thursday 20 june 2019, cornwall college
Deeply thought provoking evening. All thoughts welcome here about the issues raised, and how we can develop the ideas, including what issues you would like to see Cafe Disruptif tackle next, as a result - and how, and who with, and where!
Photos, very kindly, courtesy of Richard Clemence, @londonmono ( Twitter and Instagram )
Film courtesy of the fabulous Senara of On The Beach Productions
Photos, very kindly, courtesy of Richard Clemence, @londonmono ( Twitter and Instagram )
Film courtesy of the fabulous Senara of On The Beach Productions
and bearing in mind
our overall Cafe Disruptif objectives:
1 form a simple alternative creatively disruptive think and do force for Cornwall that can begin to grapple with the new, challenging but necessary ideas around thriving, justice
and restorative modelsfor our present and future,
and figure out how to leave any
dessicated, over-chewed ones behind
2 identify more people and networks we can engage with in a gloriously transdisciplinary, pooled resource, Ostrom-like way
3 look at the three areas of development:
- opportunities to learn more;
- opportunities to gather and curate inspiration from the vast array of alternative models and initiaves *already* in action; and
- opportunities to find expected and unexpected routes and means to connect, communicate and make these ideas contagious
Looks like we may be fabulously on track....