My archetypal disruptor is Jesus. I just love his subversive, revolutionary and
insubordinate nature, particularly when it came to challenging religion,
principalities and powers. To me, the peaceable kingdom he spoke about (and
died for) is sadly still too radical for the world, and too wide of the mark for many.
Every time I hear his words spoken I am simultaneously angry, inspired and
enlivened. All that potential energy is released in my attempt to change the world
I live in, by being the best priest, husband and father I can be.
When someone hits you on the cheek offer the other as well. When
someone takes your coat let him have your shirt too. –
For God’s sake, love your enemy, and pray for those who persecute you. –
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. –
Gloria Steinem
And here are some examples from my current fave book / music list: